Multimodal Transportation :-
Multi Modal Transportation System (MMTS) explores the co-ordinated use of two or more modes of transport for speedy, safe, pleasant and comfortable movement of passengers in urban areas. It provides convenient and economical connection of various modes to make complete journey from origin to destination. Generally, MMTS has been characterized by increased capacity, efficient access and better location of both integration and nodes. Public transport is an important constituent of multi–modal transportation system and hence local and regional public transportation system must be as integral part of the same.
Multimodal Transport can be viewed as “the chain that interconnects different links or modes of transport -air, sea, and land into one complete process that ensures an efficient and cost-effective door-to-door movement of goods under the responsibility of a single transport operator.
The Cargo Industry is still an expanding market. The need for a comprehensive logistics systems in transportation, communications and information sector, continues to grow. Freight forwarding services alone are no longer sufficient, special deals are to be initiated on regular intervals to lure the customers to maintain them on permanent status, especially to cater to the increasing needs of seasonal vendors.